4️⃣ Arena Phase ⚔️

Multiplayer Arena Expansion and NFT Battles

In Phase 4, we are thrilled to introduce a significant innovation: the expansion of the Multiplayer Arena, where users can engage their NFTs in exciting battles. Here are the highlights of this phase:

  1. Enhanced Multiplayer Arena:

    • The Multiplayer Arena will be enhanced to offer an immersive NFT battle experience. Challenge other explorers, climb the ranks, and earn unique rewards.

  2. Strategic NFT Battles:

    • Introduction of strategic battles between NFTs, allowing players to use unique abilities of their creatures for tactical advantage over opponents.

  3. Tournaments and NFT Competitions:

    • Regular tournaments and NFT competitions will be organized in the Arena. Prove your strategic skills and claim the title of StepGO champion.

  4. Battle Rewards:

    • Victories in NFT battles will yield exclusive rewards, including new NFTs, special items, and StepGO tokens that can be used in the game.

  5. NFT Evolution:

    • The ability to evolve NFTs over time, unlocking new abilities and increasing their power. This adds a strategic layer and progression to the battle system.

  6. Special Arena Events:

    • Hosting special events in the Arena with thematic challenges, exclusive rewards, and the opportunity to face unique adversaries.

  7. Integration with NFT Marketplace:

    • Results from NFT battles can influence supply and demand in the integrated NFT marketplace, creating a dynamic and interconnected ecosystem.

Last updated